You CAN Walk Away from Your Past!!
[Parsha: Bo]
We all have skeletons in our closets and default human nature generally tends to hang on to them even when we want to leave them behind us. The good news is that the specific elements in our nature that keep us hanging on to our skeletons are controllable.
We can change our behavior and outlook to naturally shift our tendency away from the past we want to leave behind and toward the future we want ahead.
I hope you enjoy this week’s parsha class (in the video above).
Blood, Life, and Passion
[Parsha: Vaeirah]
It is not incidental that the first of the then plagues to hit the Egyptian oppressors of the Jewish people involved blood. The term lifeblood was coined because blood is so important life that we view it as almost being life itself.
But why water? Why was water specifically transformed into blood?
And what about the frogs that followed?
And perhaps most importantly, does it all matter now?
Good vs. Bad & How to Know
[Parsha: Vayigash]
Where do good and bad come from?
What is it that makes something good good, and something bad, bad?
In this class we go deep into the mysticism of good and bad and how we can know for sure which is which.